Tag Archives: maker highlight

Maker Highlight: nScope

Learn how to design, build, and test electronics with nScope!


nScope and Raspberry Pi

In 2010, the USB oscilloscope nScope was created by Nick Marchuk and David Meyer as a way to make learning electronic circuits more accessible. While teaching introductory electronics courses at Northwestern University, Nick noticed that one student would build while the others watched so he wanted to create a personal lab kit that would allow everyone to have hands-on experience. Now every Northwestern Mechanical and Biomedical engineering undergraduate uses nScope to learn electronics.

2016-04-05-223446_1920x1200_scrot-1024x748Nick’s goal is that nScope will make electronics accessible to everyone in the way that Arduino did for programming. He hopes to have nScope in schools, universities, makerspaces and homes all over. His advice for aspiring makers? Just start. There are plenty of free online resources to help.

When he’s not working on nScope, Nick is working on all sorts of fun side projects. Check them out here. Join the nScope mailing list and follow them on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

We are super excited to have Nick at the Chicago Southside Mini Maker Faire. Join us Saturday where you too can use the nScope to learn how to design, build and test circuits!